Thursday, September 19, 2013

Were Shutting Down the Keystone XL Pipeline

In the words of SOLE.

Amy Goodman did an informative interview with Bill McKibben about the drawing the line on the Keystone XL pipeline.

"if you tap into, if you burn all of that economically recoverable oil up there in Alberta, then it is game over for the planet. There’s just too much carbon."
Read the interview here:

The natural disasters happening all over the world, most recently The Rim Fire in the North Sierra's and the flooding in Colorado*. I have been thinking about this for years. After Katrina, and the 2 Tsunamis in Asia, the fires, floods, its time to stop thinking about all of these events as mere coincidence but an early warning of sorts of what is to come. This is just the beginning. He goes on to say that "What we call civilization will just be a big disaster response operation." in the future if we don't stop what we are doing to our planet now. 

I will be going out SATURDAY the 21st to protest the Keystone XL pipeline. Will you join too?
Check out for events in your area.
*The floods in Colorado are estimated at 2 billion in property damage, so far. 

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