I made art aprons, bright florals and poka dots for girls and gingham and cowboys for boys. And I made Zip and Button Snake learning toys. They have zipper mouths and a different closure for each body section to help little ones learn how to tie, button, snap, etc and improve their motor skills while they play. I sold quite a few of these. See more here in my new shop, Priziest Pony, which I made just to sell the extra items that didnt sell at the fair.

Finally time to relax. In my first stocking I got a load of yummy candy, a new ipod car charger, and my favorite - GARFIELD!
Look at how cute these chocolates from my sister are! I love the little skully at the bottom and the mad tea party.
I had to indulge, and maybe create a few cavities, with old fashioned hard candy. These used to be around alot at xmas when I was little. I was missing the beautiful ribbon goodness.
Im sooo glad it over!