I made Moose ornaments!
I found this little 3 foot pink foil tree, it look really cheezy and cute so I brought it home and decided that it would be my litte handmade ornament tree. Nothing but handmade, and everyday when I get a new ornament in the mail I added it to my little tree.

This Guadalupe Sea shell ornament is one of my favorites, made by Tandy Sibley.
The little blue and White felt stocking is made by Patty Long at mommiesbee.etsy and the green felt tree is made by Norrie Gall.
This felt crown patch with a button is so cute and made byElizabeth Moon at moontimes and the laminated paper tree is made by Joan De Lurio at Anthropomorphco.
They were all really cute and I loved getting a new one in the mail everyday for 2 weeks! I will definately do it again next year and hopefully have lots more ideas for cute ornaments.
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